Time Flies

Can’t believe it’s been almost a whole year since I posted an update here!  Between work, starting a new band, parenting, and trying to squeeze in some free time, updating the blog took a bit of a backseat.

So what have I been doing? Most of my time has been spent working on a number of music projects for inMusic (unfortunately most of them haven’t been announced yet so I can’t discuss them).  One thing that has been announced however is the highly anticipated Akai Advance keyboard series which I did some arpeggiator programming and software support for. http://www.akaipro.com/microsites/advance/index.php

I’ve continued to work with Rhode Island based rapper B Dolan recording synths and guitar for his upcoming LP which will finally see daylight this summer after being in production for 5 years. I also contributed some synths and orchestral arrangements for his latest mixtape ‘House of Bees Vol 3’ on the tracks Seat at the Table and The Devil & Jack McCarthy. https://bdolan.bandcamp.com/album/house-of-bees-vol-3

Finally, I got my electro-rock band Big Time Kill off the ground in August and have been gigging steadily around the New England area  The project features a lot of ‘guitar sound design’ where I use my laptop to process my guitar sounds in unique ways, and I’m excited to share it with the world finally.

So that’s everything in a nutshell.  I plan on updating this section of the website more regularly with free content and tutorials, so make sure to check back!
